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de-mystifying life's mysteries

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About Afterlife Love


Afterlife Love...a novel by Niles MacFlouer

Through the evolving consciousness in the life of Shane, one of Afterlife Love's main characters, spiritual/metaphysical author and talk radio host Niles MacFlouer brings to light the transformation of an ego-driven personality into a soul.  Quite different from most romance novels that tend to be written in flowery prose, this touching love story between Shane and Rebecca transcends time and space with complete authenticity in the thoughts, feelings, actions, and events of these non-fictional characters as they were lived at the time and recorded in Shane's diary.


Part of Afterlife Love's unique fascination is its composite of real people and events, offering actual experiences in the amazing journey of one's personality into her or his soul.  Within a gripping story of love, action, and adventure the author explains in detail what this journey is about, how we can creatively become more of our souls, what life is really like after physical death, the differences among the inner sub-worlds, which one we may find ourselves on, and why.  Afterlife Love portrays a kind of love and life that are possible for all of us.




What is life like
after physical death

Within these pages find yourself enthralled by an epic account that reveals in intimate detail the previously hidden answers to this question.  Unmask the mysteries of our universe while enjoying a gripping chronicle of love and adventure.  Afterlife Love is a unique expression of a deep and loving romance in which you can further recognize and understand the nature of the human soul and its relationship to all else.  The author acknowledges that the story is mainly true.  Some readers are asking "Is it entirely true?" because this is a novel that is more credible than non-fiction might be.  Be prepared for a life-changing story that teaches the mind as it captures the imagination.



retail price $13.95
ISBN: 0-9648483-3


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de-mystifying life’s mysteries

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This page was last updated on September 19, 2011.