
Why Life Is...
with Niles MacFlouer

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Life's Hidden Meaning

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Afterlife Love

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Ageless Wisdom Distributors...
de-mystifying life's mysteries

All rights reserved.
©2000-2019 by
Ageless Wisdom Distributors
and Publishers

Upcoming Events

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and its related activities helps to create good in the world.

For larger donations please contact AWD directly either at 480 966-3132 or by email.

Why Life Is... airs for two hours, currently from 6–8 pm (MST) Every Friday

Every Friday Evening

Why Life Is...
with Niles MacFlouer

Live Show


to be announced

6:00–8:00 PM
USA Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7)

Niles MacFlouer

Live Internet Radio

Toll Free Call-In 888 627-6008 USA/Canada




Please Call 480-907-8600 for Information

 (Tempe, AZ 85282)


The Metaphysical Monday

 Discussion Group is discontinued

until further notice.

topic: A Metaphysical Discussion with Niles MacFlouer

Niles MacFlouer 



Weekly Events, Accessible Worldwide

Fridays, 6–8 pm MST, Why Life Is... on Internet radio www.bbsradio.com, Station 1

or listen in over your phone
dial 701-719-4207, no access code required

In Spring and Summer, airs every Friday from 6:00 until 8:00 pm Arizona time (MST, GMT-7)
In Fall and Winter, airs every Friday from 7:00 until 9:00 pm Arizona time (MST, GMT-7)
— Originates out of California at 7:00 pm Pacific Time all year round—
(California observes Daylight Saving Time;  Arizona does not.)

Monthly Events—Tempe, AZ

Metaphysical Monday Discussion
Monthly, Every Second Monday

A Metaphysical Discussion with Niles MacFlouer

Some Previous Topics:
The Spirit of Christmas
Spiritual Love
Creating Spiritual Beauty
The Soul and Solar Angel
Creating Virtue
Understanding Evil
Life After Death
The Etheric Realm
The Astral Realm
The Mental Realm
The Lemurians
The Atlanteans
Humanity in the Future
The Science of Sexual Energy
Spiritual Sexuality
The Science of Relationships
The Science of Dreams
The Seven Rays
The Chakras

Table of Upcoming Events

note: Times listed are in USA Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7)

Aug 29 Friday Why Life Is...with Niles MacFlouer (weekly) Live Internet radio www.bbsradio.com
530.881.1300, 265115#
7–9 pm


Sept 5 Friday Why Life Is...with Niles MacFlouer (weekly) Live Internet radio www.bbsradio.com
530.881.1300, 265115#
7–9 pm


 Cancelled Monday New Tempe Location
(Call 480.907.8600 for directions)
Conference Bridge  641.715.3200, 983668# 7 pm Use Conf Bridge
Sept 12 Friday Why Life Is...with Niles MacFlouer (weekly) Live Internet radio www.bbsradio.com
530.881.1300, 265115#
7–9 pm


Sept 19 Friday Why Life Is...with Niles MacFlouer (weekly) Live Internet radio www.bbsradio.com
530.881.1300, 265115#
7–9 pm


Sept 26 Friday Why Life Is...with Niles MacFlouer (weekly) Live Internet radio www.bbsradio.com
530.881.1300, 265115#
7–9 pm



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Ageless Wisdom Distributors Chalice
Ageless Wisdom Distributors...
de-mystifying life’s mysteries

All rights reserved. ©2000-2019 by Ageless Wisdom Distributors and Publishers

This page was last updated on March 31, 2019.