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Ageless Wisdom Distributors...
de-mystifying life's mysteries
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About Life’s Hidden Meaning
What is likely to be
the most comprehensive
and consciousness-raising
metaphysical book
yet written...

...is now available.
Life’s Hidden Meaning answers, conceptually and in plain English, questions
that many people have about life and that have been thought to be unanswerable.
Life’s Hidden Meaning helps to join together the areas that are hidden
from many of its readers’ understandings of science and theology. The
intention is that as the readers explore the various subjects in which they
may gain more meaning in their lives, they will simultaneously raise their
consciousnesses. What many readers are about to enter is a journey that
offers the possibility of gaining a reasonable understanding of the basic
concepts concerning why our universe and the life within it exist,
and exist as they do. The entire book may represent a completed cosmology
and ontology of our universe by unifying its physics while bringing God back
into science, and bringing logic into theology. Perhaps the most important
contribution to the readers’ understanding of Life’s Hidden Meaning
is the answering of many questions that are, by what is likely to be the
majority of people, believed to be unanswerable. A large number of these
questions are answered in ways that make them potentially testable,
scientifically, by many of the readers. Those who are ready are now invited
and challenged to determine for themselves the validity of the explanations
found within this book.
At a cover price of $39.95
(US), Lifes Hidden Meaning is a remarkable value. The cover is over forty
percent heavier than what is industry standard, and has been coated on both sides to
reduce soiling. For durability and for the readers convenience, lay-flat
binding was used. The paper is the highest quality vellum, to provide a bright white
background for easier reading and to resist tears and fraying. It is hoped that the
quality and lasting value can be seen and appreciated by those who will avail themselves
of this book.