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The Rotation of Petals and the Rainbow Bridge

When the energy composing them is fully enlightened, all the petals and legs of the antahkarana that form a person’s rainbow bridge rotate. The direction of rotation of petals and legs is determined by the person’s gender, the sub-plane (tier), and the type of petal. All the petals on each tier spin in the same direction. When rotation is clockwise on the third tier, the person is male, and when counter-clockwise, the person is female. The rotation illustrated is that of a male. The first leg of the antahkarana, which comprises solar pitri energy, rotates in the same direction as do the petals on the third tier. The second tier spin is opposite to the third, and the first tier spins in the same direction as the third. The antahkarana strands from the second tier form the second leg of the antahkarana. The third leg is formed from the solar pitri energy from the first tier connected to the mental permanent atom, down to the mental unit. With the first spin, all the petals on each tier spin in the same direction. The second spin occurs when the petals are fully enlightened and petals of the same type spin in a big circle through the tiers, creating a pinwheel effect. All the K (knowledge) petals and S (sacrifice) petals spin in the same direction as the first and third tiers do. The L (love) petals spin in the opposite direction. The second spin causes the radiances from the petals to move in two different ways and in two dimensions—movement and time—around the legs of the triangle.

Synthetic Yoga Lotus:  The Rotation of Petals and the Rainbow Bridge
illustration 6.23

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This page was last updated on September 19, 2011.